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Mylo the dog: The Brother of Solana Founder Raj
Gokal’s dog Myro.

About $MYLO
Many may ask, Who is Mylo? Mylo is the brother of the dog owned by Raj Gokal, one of the co-founders of Solana. This project pays homage to him, and his dog Myro, and responds to the popular demand for Myro based narratives in the crypto space. Mylo was created in response to this demand, and to provide value to the ecosystem created by Raj and his partner — the Solana blockchain.

Mylo is more than just a cryptocurrency, it is also a movement. We believe that Solana has the potential to change the world for the better, and we are committed to making it more inclusive and welcoming for everyone.
With Mylo, we have created a perfect digital meme currency that is designed for degens, chads, and deriv-lovers.

Our goal is to provide a seamless crypto experience for everyone. Whether you are an experienced trader or a curious beginner, Mylo is here to meet your needs and assist you in exploring the world of digital currencies.
How to buy $MYLO
You can purchase $MYLO in various different ways. We reccomend downloading Solflare Wallet, purchasing SOL, sending it to your solflare address and swapping using Solflare's in-app wallet, or on a decentralised exchange like Raydium. You can purchase $MYLO multichain using our integreated Mayan swap, or swap using Jupiter if you already own some $SOL.
Burned Forever
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Why choose $MYLO?
Mylo is a special needs brother narrative based on Solana Co-Founder Raj Gokal’s pet dog, becoming a staple in the Solana memecoin space.
Mylo will be more than just a memecoin, featuring several unique use cases and utilities that are beneficial to the long term growth of the Solana Ecosystem.
The Mylo movement is like no other on the Solana blockchain, bringing dog lovers from all around the crypto space and uniting them into one and lets not forget Myro too.
With the Solana blockchain and coin making a huge return over the last few months, it’s time for Mylo to come in and set the stardard for memecoins on Solana. There's a new dog in town.